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a day in the life of a staff editor

"A magazine editor oversees the completion of each issue of the publication so that it fits in with the magazine's editorial vision. The higher up the editor's position, the more say he or she has in selecting and developing the magazine's voice and focus. The types and number of editors that work for a magazine vary depending on the kind and size of the publication. Generally, there are contributing, associate and managing editors as well as an editor in chief who must all work toward the same goal of creating quality issues of the magazine."


Basically they are like school teachers press ganging the students into doing thier work on time and to the right spec and make sure it fits in with what everyone is doing, like a massive group project.

a day in the life of a photographer

a day in the life of a magazine photographer consists of chasing after assignments and getting assignments to complete by a certain date, be it pictures for the next publication, or pictures for the publication that is being put together at the moment, either way they are responsible for taking pictures and creating picture story boards that fit with the editorial vision of the magazine.

a day in the life of a magazine editor

a magazine editors day is spent going through features deciding what is and isnt going to be put in the final product and what can and should be tweaked, on top of that they spend thier time having conferences with writers that want to and sometimes do get thier pieces into the magazine they are editing.

this website gives an hour by hour break down of what the women i googled does,

everything from receiving emails all day to making calls to call in work that is owed, much like a school teacher, chasing photographers that have major projects and shoots to hand in, going backwards and forwards to the editor in chief and the others that need to keep thier end of the act up, chasing after people who are meant to be working on final pieces for the magazine and many more besides.

A day in the life of a photo editor

"The gist of "Hotties" involves gathering thousands of amateur photographs of sexy women from Maxim's online readers and then selecting the top 10 "hotties" for themed photo shoots (which Stuart was due to shoot herself the following week). Each of the 10 shoots was to be based around a different decade in 20th century American history -- with girls styled to look variously like flappers, go-go girls, discophiles and other archetypes, and shot in appropriate settings."

And that's just a little bit of what, Kelly Stuart does at,

most of her professional life is spent compiling photos, on photo shoots, sending and receiving photos from agencies, after that most of the time she works to find and post photos on one of the sites affiliates 'celebrity beach watch' blog

additionally she spends a lot of time researching, on sites such as 'what would tyler durden do?' and many others that allow her to take their images and use them in what ever it is she is doing.


Art Director


a snap shot of the day in the life of an art director for the magazine D,
it dosnt really do much to show the way an art director functions day to day but i shows that thier job isnt always glamourus.


this absolutley amazing lady how does give me a majorly good insight into what she does day in day out.

'fill out the purchase requisitions for stock photography, and the last four print jobs that got delivered last week. this requires using a remote windows OS simulator, as the archaic purchase requisition program only runs on the PC platform.
wonder why no one has bothered to come pick up three of the four print jobs that they had to have so urgently.'

it just shows, how much she loves and someties hates her job, and just what she needs to day in a day.

and for an art director it seems to becomig out of thier ears, as they are the backbone of most printed operations, without them the photos, print jobs etc just wouldnt be done.

Editor - a day in the life of.


This article helped me understand slightly better what an editors life consists of when he/she is doing thier job.

it seems they have a constant battle with advertisers, working to keep the ration of advert:article right and to make sure the adverts are not 'harsh' and have relevance to target audiences interests.

as an editor they are also responsible for finding stories worth reading that they can put in thier magazine, say for example they were running a magazine about fashion the editor would research stories that had relation to the fashion industry, or if they were running a magazine that was abouttrains for example they would research things that had relevance to trains and railway lines etc.


this website helped me undersa=tand what it takes to be an editor for a magazine,

you have to well organised, focused, have to analitical of others work and have to be able to work with others and beable to find a solution to problems they are presented with. competent and able to fufill thier job needs.

An editor spends most of thier day with people who wish to have input to the magazine or controlling the quality of what is printed, normally that means checking what the reporters have written, checking that photos are tasteful of have a purpose within the magazine.

they also check that the final print is right, making sure if is fit to go out to general public, that all stories are relevant to the time they are published and within thier target audiences interests.

The Magazine Industry

The magazine industry is one of the largest industries in the world, every country has thier own variations but they all ways seem to be about the same thing, celebrity lives, music, fashion, even particular magazines on hobbies such as knitting, craft etc, all ways the same topics just never the same magazine.

each magazine all ways has it own style and way of doing things, no two magazines will use the same layout, same ideas, same inserts and pictures, even sometimes the same cover font.

to help pull together a british person faverioute rag, a team of people are needed, an editor, art director, picture editor, feautures editor, photographer and staff writer, and many more these positions being just a few that are avalible in the Magazine industry.