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Editor - a day in the life of.


This article helped me understand slightly better what an editors life consists of when he/she is doing thier job.

it seems they have a constant battle with advertisers, working to keep the ration of advert:article right and to make sure the adverts are not 'harsh' and have relevance to target audiences interests.

as an editor they are also responsible for finding stories worth reading that they can put in thier magazine, say for example they were running a magazine about fashion the editor would research stories that had relation to the fashion industry, or if they were running a magazine that was abouttrains for example they would research things that had relevance to trains and railway lines etc.


this website helped me undersa=tand what it takes to be an editor for a magazine,

you have to well organised, focused, have to analitical of others work and have to be able to work with others and beable to find a solution to problems they are presented with. competent and able to fufill thier job needs.

An editor spends most of thier day with people who wish to have input to the magazine or controlling the quality of what is printed, normally that means checking what the reporters have written, checking that photos are tasteful of have a purpose within the magazine.

they also check that the final print is right, making sure if is fit to go out to general public, that all stories are relevant to the time they are published and within thier target audiences interests.

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